Customize your own bouquet!
These are just some examples of the possibilities. Different colors for any are available upon request.
In this bouquet:
Large gold chrysanthemum - Seven different colors of color-lined clear crystal glass seed beads that sparkle in the light. ($42/flower)
Beach rose (Rosa rugosa) - Classic single layer rose, shown here in two colors, dusty pink and deep garnet.
Anemone - Very pale apricot opaque glass bead petals, with iridescent gold toward the iridescent chartreuse center. ($28/flower)
Lily - Shown here with petals of ivory opaque and matte green-gold glass beads. ($28/flower)
Poppy - The round petal variety is shown here but please see the Poppies bouquet for all options. This one has petals made from deep scarlet silver-lined semi-frosted glass beads with centers using three different black-based beads. ($28/$36/$42 per S/M/L flower)
Carnation - These can be made with any combination you can imagine. Here the petals are an opaque frosted soft pink tipped with a sparkling ruby. ($28/flower)
Medium peony - Made from light ivory and the palest pink frosted transparent beads. The centers are tipped in two different shades of darker pink. ($34/flower)
Daffodil - This petals of this flower are made with matte transparent beads to give it a vintage look while the crown at the center sparkles with the light. Different finishes (all frosted or all shiny, for example) are available. ($32/flower)